CCR - The End

CCR My short film showcased the way mentally ill liars can affect others in society. This sheds light on liars in society which it isn’t really much reflected on. The main character in the short film would not stop lying about her life experiences to her previous friend group. People like this in society are not seen as good people. You can never know whether they are lying or not. This caused a rather untrustworthy feeling towards her causing them to feel different about her. Which is understandable because being friends with someone who can never be honest with you is rather exhausting. It was to the point where they had to stop being friends with her. This can be related to real life problems where people in the media constantly lie about their lifestyle for attention, but then it is then revealed that they actually never lived that way. Neither did they have those experiences happen to them. This can be seen when the main character in my short film encounters her next group o...