group blog - me just me

Hello, I'm Marissa and I’ll be listing who I'm working with and why. I’ve decided to work by myself for many different reasons. I live a bit far from school, so I’m not near any people I could’ve potentially worked with. I don’t have anyone who could take me to see them and paying for transportation would be expensive. Neither do I think my partners would drive all the way to where I live. If I do ever need any actors in my projects, I could just use any of my family members or friends who live nearby. So, there's no problem in not having any people in my vids, I'm good on that. But I think it is a whole lot easier working on your own than with others. Working with friends can cause many distractions and I may not get to complete my work because of that. Honestly, I’m the biggest victim to that I get distracted so easily. Working on my own helps me concentrate more as well. This can also prevent conflicts when a group of people can’t decide on one thing. One member might want to do something while the rest disagree. That is bound to cause fights and upset individuals. In group projects there is always that person that has all the excuses to not do any work you just end up doing it all for them. It’s best to take credit for your own work than have others relax and take all your glory. Working on my own can bring out my creativity without any interruptions. I can try new things I've always wanted to try, but never got to try. I can even have the final say on how my projects will look like and how they will be presented without having someone oppose. For an introvert like me working alone is like being in heaven. So, I don’t mind working alone, it’s always been like that my whole life.  


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