production blog - on the watch

 Lately I have been watching this Netflix series named 'The Glory'. The best way to explain is is a women who got severely bullied in high school is now dedicating her life to make her bullies miserable. I think her goal is to kill them all, but I am not completely sure yet as I have not finished the series. This might be controversial since my task is supposed to be a film, but I based off my opening from the series I am currently watching. I wanted to make the opening based of my interpretation of the series if it were to be a film. I think what I came up with is a really good idea because It basically summarizes the whole first episode. The message behind the film is what people are capable of when they are surrounded by an abusing environment. I believe of the world's population can be judgmental toward those who do wrong. have you ever stopped to think why they do it? Most are truly hurt and their only form of communication is malice. This could all be stopped if we were better people I believe nobody is naturally born with malice it is taught from their environment. The Glory shines light on those who did wrong and created a devil. Now they look at her and think she's insane but they are the same ones who drove her to insanity. I feel like a lot of people should take time to watch the series a lot of these South Korean series are seriously underrated by the media. I believe they are so much better than American films no hate thought just my opinion because American shows tend to be really corny sometimes. Like for example riverdale an ongoing series that nobody asked for yet it is still going. 

                                                                the glory clip??


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