How to make a short film

 Hello, I am back. To make some more progress on the film I will be creating soon very soon I wanted to do some research. This is to ensure that I have the right idea for this short film and don't end up making any silly mistakes. Since my genre will be a mystery I will make sure to research a bit on that topic. First, I am going to make sure I have my project organized before jumping into anything else like filming for example. I want to have each scene, dialogue, props, and costumes well thought out, so there won't be much problem in anything being wrong with those elements in my short film. Along with those elements specifically the genre, I want it to be so that it isn't your typical mystery plot twist where it'll be easily identified by the viewer. I want to create an actual shock factor in the end, so I'll make sure I execute the film carefully. Especially with the plot I chose, I feel like it'll be easy to get off track I will make sure to stay on track with the original idea that'll help me get my point across. Another important key factor when making your short film is to not tire yourself out. Especially as an editor watching something multiple times will distort your vision of the clips and film itself. You'll miss stuff that a first-time viewer will be more likely to notice than you will. To avoid this I will make sure to get opinions on the video from other people than I such as my friends who are helping me with my film. I will also make sure to be punctual on my deadlines throughout the process to not bombard myself with piled-up work which can affect the quality of the short film. Lastly, I will make sure to treat my actors right since they are a big part of the short film. I don't want them to quit on me due to any mistreatment, being overworked, or even not being comfortable with certain scenes. I will make sure to do checkups on my actors and take care of them. I will also provide them with food since they are voluntarily helping me and I appreciate them a lot. 


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