intro blog

 BTS is a 7 member boyband from South Korea. Starting from an almost bankrupt company and all of them sleeping in 1 room with not even 7 beds. People mocked them online saying they would never make it big. Together they came from the underground and built their way to the top of the U.S charts to attending Grammys. They won the hearts of people from all ages and races. BTS have saved many people from the deep holes they were in and gave them hope. They did that by working with UNICEF to spread the message to help end violence and neglect, and promote youth’s self esteem and well being. They even created an album series called ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ which contains many song with lyrics speaking of loving yourself, peace and unity within ourselves and society. Also, they constantly assure their fans (A.R.M.Y) that they consider them their everything and will always be there from their happy moments to their toughest times. BTS aren’t just full of love, but they’re all round performers you’ll never be bored when watching a full marathon of BTS performances. They can dance, rap, and sing which is why many people first get sucked into them. I am one of those people. BTS truly helped me during quarantine when my self esteem was at the all time low. As well as having other problem, but BTS became the light of my day. Listening to the messages they had in their music helped me a lot with my mental health. I truly thank them for taking me out of the darkness. These days, I spend my days thinking about BTS, buying their albums, and collecting their photo cards. I guess I became a huge fan a long the way. BTS aren’t the only great one the community their fans had made among themselves is amazing it’s a place where you feel accepted and can talk to others that have the same interest as you. Not everyone is a fan through people still doubt BTS. They jump on the BTS hate bandwagon when they know nothing about them. Hopefully one day others will be able to at least respect them for what they’ve done to help others. If it wasn’t clear enough I love BTS and being their fan everything about it has been life changing I will surely remember this era of my life forever. I will forever be proud of their accomplishments and will always be supporting them. 


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