research blog

I decided on doing a skincare headband commercial. I have decided on this because I use skincare headbands daily, so I know a lot about them. I even own a few of them myself. In skincare headband commercials the individual using the product always has a glowing aura. After putting on the headband, they look much more appealing when doing skincare. To recreate this, I want to show how it is before and after wearing the headband. Beforehand, I will be upset about hair being in my face when not wearing the headband. Afterward, I will show how much better it is to wear a headband because of the hair getting out of your face. Also, you will just look cuter doing skincare. To achieve the cute look, I will be using a BT21 headband since they have cute designs. We all know people are suckers for anything that is cute. For the costume, it will be pajamas since when doing skincare many do it every morning and night. My prop will be a face wash bottle since that is a step of my skincare routine. The setting will be my bedroom and bathroom because that is where I do my skincare. For the lighting it will be bright to show the glowing look. For sound I will use a trendy catchy song to attract viewers like how advertisements nowadays do.  


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