production blog - nothing much

To be real with you I have not started filming and I am currently starting this assignment 40 minutes before it is due. You know what else is in 40 minutes? Stray Kids' new album which I am so hyped about I just had to add it in my blog. Anyways, I guess you could blame my laziness, because I have not started filming, but it is so much more than that. I get so distracted with social media especially when being a kpop stan. I must keep up with all my favorite groups or else I will miss everything they do. I will certainly start filming this weekend because that is when I have more free time. Another reason I have not started is because every night instead of doing work I just watch people live stream Enhypen's concert and I just cry watching it. Believe it or not being a kpop stan is hard when your favorite groups do not tour in your state, so you just sit at home crying while watching others living your dream life. Do not worry, this is not a cry for help, I am perfectly fine. You are thinking gosh what type of student are you? Not doing your work over kpop. Well, I do not even know how I got here, but life goes on. I have surprisingly good grades, so I am fine, I guess. To make myself feel better I will be buying the Maxident album tomorrow. I feel like you should too, it will help feed the kids. Currently I am thinking of how tomorrow I will have to walk through the dark to get to my bus stop which is not even scary. You know what is scary? The Halloween decorations are frightening especially when walking alone in that dark you turn in a corner and just see a ghost in front of you. I am the biggest scaredy cat you will ever meet. Speaking of scaredy cats, the song scaredy cat by Dpr Ian is so good I recommend it. I know you are already annoyed by me from reading all of this but now I can go and enjoy Stray Kids comeback because I finished this lovely assignment from this lovely class bye.

(this is me right now)


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