production blog- allergies???

  I spent the whole weekend being lazy and not productive at all. Finishing my assignments due at 11:59 on a Sunday night just hours before it is due. I am basically just another lazy high schooler. Just when I decided on collecting myself together getting my work done the day it is assigned. BOOM!!!! I get hit with allergies?? I am not sure I just have an itchy throat and my ears hurt. Yesterday I am surprised i stayed awake in all my classes my eyes felt so droopy from the lack of sleep. The sickness i have made it difficult for me to sleep, so i got at most 30 minutes to sleep. I feel like life always decides to wreck me over whenever i decide to do something good. Anyways, some good news is my teacher is so considerate of her students school life i got an extension to finish my commercial I am forever grateful because I would not have been able to finish in time due to my sickness. Currently I am so distracted by kpop music videos. What can I say? They are just so cool and the music is amazing. Somehow and someway, I always have to insert kpop into every conversation I have personally it is a pro of mines others will think it is annoying but who cares. I just want this sickness to go away I hate it all I want to do right now is sleep but here I am. lol.  I am the only one to blame always submitting things last minute. My new years resolution will be to turn things on time this is a bit early since the year ends months later, but you have to think ahead of time. I feel pressured to finish this assignment right now because i have multiple eyes in this room staring at me. You probably did not guess posters but yes i have a lot of postcards and posters in my room with singers so they all stare at me 24/7 kind of creepy if you really think about it. I will promise to start my commercial by this weekend if my sickness goes away. I might have gone extremely off topic, but wasn't reading this much more interesting than anything else? Hopefully your answer is yes. On a real note I am disappointed in myself for not starting anything and for being very off topic. The best thing to do is act like everything is okay to not have others worry. 


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