intro- this again...

 Hey It is me again back with another intro. Life has been good and bad at the same time. Some good things is that I bought a New Jeans album I have been wanting sooo bad. I obviously bought the Minji version because she's my favorite member and my bae. It came with so many inclusions I will be going back to the k-pop store during thanksgiving break which is next week you already know. I also redecorated my room I rearranged my posters and I added a few more vines in my room to make it less empty. My room has a much better vibe to it now it is very cozy. I also FINALLY received my photo cards from the trade I had did it took forever but it came. Last week, I also went to the mall I got so much new clothes, so I am really happy. I have so many good outfit ideas for this winter. Today I picked the name for my secret Santa that I am doing with my friend group. I have some sort of bad luck because I pulled the person I wanted the least due to them being a bit difficult and picky with gifts. It is all good though I am excited for the person who gifts me. I found out my fave k-rnb and k-rap artist will be going on tour around my birthday, so I am also super excited for that. On for the bad thing that happened to me I got super sick the week there was no school it was so bad. I blame homecoming everyone and their mothers got sick after attending hoco. Rumor has it they were reusing the water cups others say the food was bad, but who knows what the truth could be. Also, TMI, but lately my hair has so much dandruff since I dyed it red I will be trying to get rid of it in the shower once I am done with this assignment. You know since I trade photo cards in the mail I literally ran out of stamps, so I had to postpone the send out dates. I am pretty sure the people I am trading with are mad at It is all good though life is good. 


                             (New Jeans Album)                                               (redecorated wall posters)


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