
 The product I mostly promoted in the music video would be ice cream. I feel like it send a bright and cool message to the audience. It is most affective towards people who want to watch and hear something with a trendy vibe. The music video could be distributed in popular music social media accounts. For example, there are twitter accounts with huge followings that specialize in informing followers on new music video launches or artist achievements. It would be nice for it to posted on there because it'll reach a lot of people.  I feel like I developed a better skill on identifying different camera angles and shots. I learned how to make the clips transition a bit more smoother, but still not to perfection. To edit, I used a free editing app called cap cut. It is pretty easy to use. It helped me edit the audio in the ending to smoothly transition as a fade out. Overall, I feel like I did a bit better in this project. I hope to be at my peak for the next one. 


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