production blog - action

  after so many changes, hardships and time guess what? We finally started filming. We did many scenes the day went pretty well. My friend had invited me to this K-pop random dance play. I used this opportunity to ask her if we could film right after. The event was help in a park which was perfect for the music video setting.  We both wore christmas theme outfits due to the event’s dress code. I guess it kind of threw off the vibes of the music video, but we made it work. After we finished dancing to all the songs, we started to plan out the filming. We had a place in the park where we wanted to film. We went to go buy some ice cream in the park shop and went on to filming. I honestly did not think i would ever get this done. I was on an extreme time crunch. Luckily this event came in handy. Most important of all my friend was a huge help because she could drive me there and she already knew the song I used because it’s from her favorite artist. All this made everything so much easier because she didn’t have to learn the song. Overall it was a successful filming day i cannot wait to film. I hope the clips are enough to hold the song together. I am thinking of editing everything tomorrow. 


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