production blog - change of actors

 So I have come to another conclusion that there will be a change in actors. Originally I wanted for my 3 school friends to be in the music video with me. 1 of my friends isn't really around as much neither does she have much time available to see each other at school. I figured she shouldn't be an actor in my music video since she does not have to much time on her hands. With the 2 friends I have remaining it isn't easy to film after school because we always do service hours after school and don't end up getting home around 6 pm. At that time, it is dark due to daylight savings. At times daylight savings can be a blessing and a curse. In this case I consider it as a curse because it doesn't allow me to film during later hours. So it you haven't figured it out already working with the original cast won't be cutting it. I have decided to give the role to my other friend. It'll be more beneficial for me. My friends lives much more closer to me. The setting I want the music video to be in is near us as well. Since it is close to us I know the area very well. There's even an ice cream place near by which will be the prop. Even I have a bike in my backyard to use for the video as well.So in the end it all works out. We won't have to waste gas money to go anywhere. Everything will be in walking distance. I am planning to film tomorrow. 


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