group blog- don't know what to do
I have been absent in this class quiet awhile. Me and my classmate had decided on working together. Now that I came back from being absent it seems like things have changed. She has seem to find her own group, so I have to find what I am going to do with myself. We are currently waiting on a response to see if their is a spot for me in their group. I hope their is because I really do not want to work by myself on a project like this one. It is a lot more work and I believe it cannot be done on my own. Especially how I could barely manage the last 1 minutes project how will I do a 2 minute one? Anyways my friend told me if their is no space for me she will still help me on my project. I will probably decline since I do not want to bother her. I will probably just ask my friends to be my actors I feel like the 2 minutes intro movie will be impossible with only me as an actor. I hope everything gets solved pretty soon. The group assignments are around the corner. I was honestly thinking of asking around to see if anyone needs an extra. I am too shy for that though. I guess it might be just me once again laugh out loud.
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