Title Research: parasite

1. During the title sequence titles of the actors names are being displayed as well as the name of the movie. 

2. Images of the character's house window is being show in the background while the titles are being shown. As well as the character's house. 

3. These images carry out what the whole movie is about like the beginning showcases how the poor live in South Korea's society. 

4. I don't think the opening fully establishes the actual genre not until you're a bit more into the movie. You can still sense some mystery when being shown the window because you're wondering why they live underground. I feel like if you actually were a local you wouldn't question it, but if you're a foreigner not a lot of countries have underground houses. 

5. The whole vibe overall especially the lighting used it just gives the viewer that feeling of what is this? I need to keep watching it. 

6. I think the cameral movement and lighting is used effectively. In the opening sequence there is a lot on pan, so you get a really good see in the character's surrounding environment and how they live and the lighting helps with that too. 



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