production blog - going to the zoo

 Im going to be honest lately I have been on a slug-ish schedule. I keep turning in my school work either last minute or days later. I just have a lot going on and it is taking a toll on me. I hope tomorrow I cheer up at the zoo since I'll be going tomorrow with my friends in a field trip. Also, I just did my story board its not too good but not too bad. I think my idea of the movie opening is simple. I hope there is a great outcome to it. I am still not sure when I 'll be recording since I don't see my friend a lot outside of school because we live all in opposite directions. I will eventually find a time that is right for all of us. Also, i recently went to a concert of one of my favorite singers name Keshi. It was so cool the crowd was a vibe and he looked so ethereal on stage. I even got a concert shirt I am happy about that since last time I saw him I couldn't get one. Sadly, he said he won't go on tour in a long time. Worst of all he didn't play my favorite song because the setlist got cut in half. This was because the late start of his concert due to there was technical difficulties. Anyways, I hope tomorrow goes well at the zoo for me. It is my first time going ha can you believe that? I question if it is actually good to go to zoos. I thought animals get mistreated there. The same way people protest for animal cruelty in aquariums. Well that is something for me to research. Byeeee ٩(^◡^)۶


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