production blog - a sick weekend

 I was imagining a nice productive weekend but oh boy I was wrong. While coming home from school Friday, I took my after school nap. I wake up with a fever and muscle pain. It felt like I was dying literally.  So, I ate some soup, took some medicine, and then went back to sleep. Being sick especially nearing the end of a school quarter is hell. Well at least for me it is. I believe that's when all my deadlines are nearing and test. I have no time to be sick on a crucial time like this I have to do my absolute best to finish all my current missing assignments. Now that it is Monday, I am finally well enough to go back to school. I heard that many people are getting sick now at school so, that is no good. Anyways, tomorrow I have so much work ahead of me. I'm even staying after school to get extra math help for the days I missed. I am questioning when I am going to start my into film. I'm thinking maybe spring break that'll give me time away from school to actually get things done. Also, an exciting thing that happened to me Friday is that I got the cutest Jisung photocard sent to me in the mail from a trade.  never knew I would obtain it due to its popularity. 


me sick                                                                                                   jsung photocard lol


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