production blog - finally some progress

 Finally I got to filming on Tuesday with my friend. I filmed after school at the park nearby. We only had 2 hours to do some stuff. Not too much was done due to not the whole cast being there. It took us a few minutes to arrive, but when we did we were shocked. We honestly thought the park was locked and maybe owned by a house, but that was not the case. We just had to open the gate door to access the park. When we got there it was all empty. We found a nice shade spot and I started to look for my drawings to get of a refresher of each scene. Then, we started filming a bit. I had to fall like 5 times on the floor to get the scene correctly done. Now I understand why stunt doubles are a thing because doing something like that many times is annoying and can hurt. Then we waited for this mother and her kids to leave the park so we can use the swings. When we got to the swings someone had flipped the swing over and we struggled taking it out. Until this kid came and climbed up the swing bar to flip the swing. We thanked him then started filming the next scene. By the time we finished many kids started coming to the park. So, I decided to quickly film the 3rd scene, so we can then leave. After that we were leaving there were so many squirrels at the park they were all so adorable. After that we just walked to catch the bus. Honestly I think I might scrap the footage because it would be weird if I film next week with all the actors in attendance and we are wearing different clothes. 


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