production blog - my friend's tragedy

 Unfortunately, one of our actors could not make it to the recording. This caused no recording to happen. The problem that occured is that her grandma got diagnosed for cancer. This is very unfortunate. So, the actor had to be by their grandma's side in the hospital. She has to spend her last days with her before she is gone. So, now we are working on comforting our actor and preparing her for filming. Actually, today I will be filming after school. I will be going by the nearby park to film today. It will probably be only me and one actor. I brought some good snacks to eat with her. I am glad for once it is only me and her alone without our other friends. I like it better that way. Back then in 9th grade that is how it always was. I miss it a lot. I hope today it goes well and I get a lot of filming done. 


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