genre research - decision made

I have decided on my genre.  I am choosing to execute the mystery genre. I chose this because I feel like it embodies my pitch the best. So, I don't think anything should be changed on my pitch. Perfect! Now... to what inspired me to choose this genre it is quite a story. I came across this mysterious story on TikTok which was offsetting.  The story was about a girl who would not stop creating the biggest lies to her friends until they found out the truth. It was bizarre. A few days passed by and I was talking with my friend on the bus. We were talking about the normal gossip when she told me something that sounded familiar. It gave me this sense of deja vu which is when I realized where I heard this story before. It was the same story of a girl lying to her friends and them finding out. I am not sure if this is a common occurrence nowadays, but it is weird. That is basically my inspiration for the mystery. Why would someone want to spew out such lies that they know they could get easily caught for. Not sure if it is a psychological reason, but whatever it is it remains a mystery. The mystery I plan to display for my project. 


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