short film research: The Facts in the Case of Mister Hallow (mystery)

I watched the short film The Facts in the Case of Mr Hallow to find inspiration on what my mystery film should be about.  This short film is a crossover of mystery and horror. The film contains a very mysterious and eerie sound. The vibes are scary and leave you questioning the film. It has a series of different picture where it zooms into key factors in some spots. The film is about a man receiving a package with no idea where it came from and throughout the film he finds clues that reveal different things. I like how this keeps the reader engaged throughout the short film. I am definitely going to use this in my film. By introducing new clues the viewer will get more curious about what will happen next. This will help build up the momentum of the short film and really embody the mysterious genre. The short film also had amazing pacing which added to the genre to build up tension. It was rather slow, but quick at the times it needed to be quick. Such as it being slow during the suspenseful part to give the viewers that feeling. That could be another great addition to my short film. I believe it'll help with the plot twist. 


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