production blog - creating social media

 Hey, blog! It is time to make the social media for my project. This is something I actually am really good at. I have so many social media accounts I can't even count it on two hands. The forms of social media I most often use are X, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. I would say it is hard to maintain these accounts because they constantly ask for phone numbers and email confirmation. For 1 person it is a lot holding these accounts since I only have one phone number. As for the emails, it is a bit easier to make multiple email accounts even though sometimes it is such a hassle. I thank Apple's password system for helping me know the passwords for all my accounts. Without it, this whole system would be tragic. Now, for the short film promotion, I will be making an Instagram and Twitter account. This might be a little risky, but to eliminates the process of having to create a new email for these new accounts. I will be using old accounts to make everything easier for me. These are accounts I made in the past, used them, and then got bored of them. I am thinking of making the username TeenWorks because I think it fits with what I want the image of the company to be that produces my short film. I plan on posting the postcard on the account along with a vlog and perhaps a trailer. I will ask my friends to follow the account, so it won't look as empty. I am pretty confident with this part of my project since I am on social media 25/8. 


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