production blog - creating website

 Hey, blog! It is time to create my website. I have no experience in creating a website, so I am a bit worried before starting this part of the project. I do not have any expectations for this other than it not turning out the best. I did some research to find something that would help me create a website. I came across this creator on TikTok and they recommended to use the website Wix to create my website for the film. I was surprised at how easy it was to navigate it. All I had to do at first was link my new account to good. Afterward, it took me straight to this AI chat that helped with the key focuses on the website I will be making. The AI was a huge help in terms of time and decision-making. It helped create the website faster than I could have done all by myself. Also, it picked a lot of the choices as in design and hub name for me. This eliminated the hassle of having to think about all of it by myself. Since I am one person doing all of this, the website really made it easy for me to do this part of the project on my own. I am glad I got through the next step in my project. So far, it hasn't been so hard working alone as I thought it would be. I am now ready for the next step in completing my advanced portfolio. 


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