production blog - setting up the gears

Hey guys!!!! It has been so long since I have done a production. I can't believe it is already this time of the year. It felt like it was only yesterday that I began AICE media AS level. I was just a little sophomore working on my own not knowing if I could really do it all by myself. I ended up passing the exam with an E. That means that for my final task, I really have to put in the work to get a good score for my A level this year. I plan on starting my final task very soon. I still do not have much prepared. I want to do good, but this second semester is hitting me really hard. I am becoming more lazy throughout the school year and I am losing my will to keep working hard. I am trying my best to fix that at the moment. I am going to start creating my social media, postcards, and website in a bit. It will be harder for me since I am working on my own, but I knew what I was getting myself into and now I have to work through it. I do have my friend Sophia helping me a bit. She helped in developing some of my short story's plot. I also will be making sure my and my actor's schedules line up so we have no problems on our film day. I will be helping my actors in their short film for AS opening sequence as well so we are both helping each other. I will also be working on other AICE classes this year. I will make sure my final task at least gets done even though I know it won't be the best. It is better to try than do nothing and get a zero. 


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