production blog - releasing my tech skills

Hey, blog! I am almost done with my blogs as well as my short film. It is now time to start editing! I would consider myself a decent editor. I have some experience with making edits and posting them on TikTok and Twitter. People who have come across my edits have seemed to always like them, so I hope that translates to my short film. The last time I edited my short film I used Imovie it wasn't bad, but I am going to use a new editing app. I will be using the editing app called Cap Cut. It is really popular these days and it's free to use. The app has many features that you wouldn't see in any other editing app. Other editing apps always ask for money when wanting to do anything. As for the editing I wanted it to have sort of natural normal lighting, so I'll probably put some covering over it. As for the merging of the clips to make them blend well, it was not too hard. The clips itself already matched pretty well so I just had to insert them in the app. As for the credits it was pretty easy to insert since I did it for my opening sequence last year. I am glad to wrap up this editing, so I can soon do my CCR. I'll then focus on perfecting my essays for the actual AICE Media Studies exam. Wish me luck guys! I will be back soon. 


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