production blog- finally started

 I have started recording today I know right such a late start but at least it is something. I will say it is a bit had recording certain angles on my own luckily I already own a phone stand which makes it less difficult. I also already have my props on hand which will be shown in the photo I took. Update on my last blog I am still a bit sick but it is manageable. working alone in a project is not too bad, but for my next recording I will make sure to find a partner to work with so it will not be so boring. I will lay down some basics I am using my phone to record. I am using lighting from my bathroom and room to record. I also already have this cool editing app to use for my commercial which I previously used to make edits of my favorite artist. The first scene in my commercial is kind of funny in my opinion, I hope people love it. For the second scene, I hope I have enough editing skills to edit a light bulb into it since I am a bit rusty in editing. I am also thinking of adding that sound affect of when a character gets an idea. I am still feely iffy about the hallway scene I think it is a bit too much? I am not trying to drag out the scene where I walk back and forth to my room. I think it will just look like I am trying to cover a gap where I had no idea of what to do. I will figure something out when I do I might re record a clip another day. I hope people relate to my commercial especially us people with long hair I think it will be relatable. I am still deciding what instrumental to put over my commercial I have so many good songs I cannot choose. For my last clip I went for a refreshing vibe. I want the viewer to be convinced about buying the headband. They will think oh I totally have to buy that, so I can feel relaxed too.


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