production blog - another fail?

 hello i'm back again. Remember how I said I was supposed to stay after school to film? well none of that ever happened. I don't even know what the future holds for me. I'm holding stress after stress. I legit started sobbing in class because I felt so overwhelmed that I had made a mistake. I know I sound so pathetic, but that's the reality of life. Lately the thought of life feels like a chore. I don't even know what the point of everyday is. I will strive to find my purpose and make something great out of myself. I will surely find time to finish my project. Whether it is tomorrow or last minute, it will get done. With the anything is possible mind set anything can be done.  Never give up there are always endless possibilities it is up to you to choose which one is your destiny. I will not let this minor mental inconvenience determine what I can and can't do. Next time I come back I will have an estimate of when I will have my project. I will comeback when I am doing much better. 


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