Comparing 9, the short, and 9, the full-length movie

 Short film: Honestly, my first impression of the first film it gave me vibes weird vibes due to the setting and I could tell it was made a really long time ago. The setting was like a post-apocalyptic world with nobody left living but the characters. The way the film went about and was constructed was fine but you can clearly see some of the movements of the characters lag giving you an indication that it was created when the technology was not at its best. The way there was no talking throughout the film and only noise and a background sound made it a bit eerie as well. The overall film had 2 doll characters who were 5 and 9 that encountered this robot beast who was going to attack them. The 9 ran while the 5 stood against the beast resulting in 5 being sucked into some green mechanical portal by the beast. Later on when 9 also encounters the beast he does run off, but then he eventually faces the beast and finishes him off. Due to this, the 9 was able to collect the two pieces of the portal machine which returned the soul of 5 and the other dolls back. 

 Full-length film: I thought the film was really detailed, eventful, and a bit eerie. In a post-apocalyptic world where there are no humans there are these dolls left that are being hunted by robots. the doll 9 wants to encourage his fellow mates they stop hiding and running from these robots. They should go for it put a stop to them and stand up for themselves. Throughout the film, they also try to save what is left in the world. There was also a lot of tension and dark effects throughout the film. 

 Comparison of the short and the full-length film: The full-length film gave the viewer a higher more in-depth understanding of the plot and chracters by showcasing the 9's personality traits more on display. I enjoyed the short film better due to it being shorter overall. Both films seemed to have the same setting and idea. 


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