Comparing Le Jetee, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

I will be comparing more films together. This time I chose Le Jetee the short and 12 Monkeys the full-length movie. 

 Part 1 : The photo novel was pretty dark which had black and white photos giving it that vibe. The sound in the 12 Monkeys really helped tie it all together giving the viewer a unique experience. A take away from this is to pick each element with care as it should all work together in harmony to make my short film more enhanced and pleasing to watch. 

I read an article that further gave its idea on both films.

Part 2: I agree with the article and the others' ideas on the movies being similar due to the 12 Monkeys being a homage to Le Jetee. I took away from this that it would be nice to take ideas from other successful films and make it into a grand idea. 


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