production blog - cameras are rolling

Hey, blog! After all that, it is time to film. This week's film will be the minimum because there is so much going on at school for me and my actors. We have to do a lot of studying and focus on an important exam we have on Thursday. originally we were planning on filming on Wednesday but it was changed. After our exam on Wednesday, we went to Charley Cheesesteak to have a meal before filming began. I obviously paid for everyone's food I wanted to make sure my actors were well taken care of. Since Sophia also had food for us when we filmed her opening sequence. I felt the need to also get us something I hope they appreciated it. After we ate, we walked to the park nearby to start filming the scenes that took place there. When we got there luckily there were not many people there. So, at the beginning, we let the food in our stomachs settle down before we were filming. It was rough when we first started because I did not have my script set up. How irresponsible of me I know but I have been all over the place lately. Luckily, my friend Sophia loves taking control so she helped a lot with the improv of the script and some scenes. It still took us a while to film each scene it felt like it would never end. There were also starting to be a lot more people at the park, so it became somewhat harder to film. There were many people in the background and a lot of noise. Also, there were a lot of creepy men at the park who were staring at us like predators. Despite these setbacks, we filmed everything that had to be filmed in the park. Next film day will be the house scenes. Till next time blog!!!!


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